WIPR(World IP Review)が選ぶ、世界60ヵ国で活躍する、今最も優秀な知財法律家(the world’s most talented IP lawyers)1,000名が発表され、マークス代表・三上弁理士が、日本の『商標リーダー』(Trademark leader Japan)の一人に選ばれました。掲載記事は、こちらからどうぞ。
Following a lengthy and detailed research process conducted over several months, “WIPR Leaders 2022”, featuring more than 1,000 professionals from more than 60 countries, was published as a directory of the world’s most talented IP lawyers. A must-keep collection of contacts who have provided the highest quality patent, trademark, and copyright advice.
『WIPR Leaders 2022』全受賞者リストは、こちらからどうぞ。